Monday, 31 December 2018


(Series 19, Episodes 23-26)

Summary: After a perfunctory spot of mourning, the Doctor finally gets Tegan home and now she wants to leave again.  Concorde travels back to the dawn of time and the Master pops up again, this time with a dodgy accent.  (I’ll confess, my phone deleted my notes for these episodes but these are the main impressions it left in my memory.)

Watch it because: Concorde nostalgia.

Original Air Date: 22-30 March 1982.
Doctor: Peter Davison.
Companions: Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) & Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding).
Writer: Peter Grimwade.
Director: Ron Jones.
Producer: John Nathan-Turner.

Friday, 28 December 2018


(Series 19, Episodes 19-22)

Summary: We open with Adric performing a classic teenage tantrum-and-sulk before the TARDIS appears in some creepy caverns where the Doctor gets accused of murdering archaeologists and then defuses a bomb sent by the Cybermen, who are seeking to destroy the Earth for…reasons.  The action then transfers onboard a freighter on course to crash into the Earth that’s been hijacked by Cybermen who show a little more emotion than one would expect from a race who champion the emotionless way.  Adric finds a way to divert the ship but he’s just a little too late. I always did wonder what had happened to the dinosaurs…

Watch it because: “Now I’ll never know if I was right.”

Original Air Date:8-16 March 1982.
Doctor:Peter Davison.
Companions:Adric (Matthew Waterhouse), Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) & Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding).
Writer:Eric Saward.
Director:Peter Grimwade.
Producer:John Nathan-Turner.