Sunday, 16 September 2018


(Series 18, Episodes 25-28)

Summary: In a contender for most boring opener ever, the Doctor and Adric measure the TARDIS and get stuck in TARDIS stacking dolls while air hostess Tegan struggles to change a tyre and gets watched by a creepy white guy.  The Master is back and shrinking people and Nyssa just loves what the air on Logopolis has done for her father’s complexion.  The Master unleashes entropy and then must join forces with the Doctor to prevent the end of the universe.  Interestingly, the only planet with the computers to do this is Earth so they all return, only for the Master reveals he’s rigged it so he can control everything.  Sadly for him, he’s so busy trying out his maniacal villainous laugh that the Doctor manages to pull the plug on his ambitions but unfortunately ends up falling to his death from a satellite dish.

Watch it because: “It’s the end.  But the moment has been prepared for.”  Farewell, Tom Baker. 172 episodes is a helluva run.

Original Air Date: 28 February – 21 March 1981.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Adric (Matthew Waterhouse), Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) & Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding).
Writer: Christopher H. Bidmead.
Director: Peter Grimwade.
Producer: John Nathan-Turner.