Sunday, 29 July 2018

The Leisure Hive

(Series 18, Episodes 1-4)

Summary: JNT has arrived and everything gets an update - neon logo, synth music and a new, questionable wardrobe for the Doctor.  Plus, tachyonics, based on some real gen-u-ine science, gets an airing.  There’s a fabulous opening scene on Brighton beach where Romana accidentally kills K9 during a game of fetch.  The Argolins sport crazy beehives but suffer from dramatic rapid ageing and the tension with the lizards outside is well built up.  Luckily, there’s a magical reset button and Argolin Mena gets every parent’s dream - a chance to raise her son again and get it right.

Watch it because: We’re in the eighties now.

Original Air Date: 30 August – 20 September 1980.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Romana (Lalla Ward) & K9 Mk II (Voiced by John Leeson).
Writer: David Fisher.
Director: Lovett Bickford.
Producer: John Nathan-Turner.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

The Horns of Nimon

(Series 17, Episodes 17-20)

Summary: Histrionic Soldeed tries to sacrifice the young of Aneth to bull-headed Nimons in the power complex.  The Doctor attempts to give K9, his robotic dog, mouth-to-mouth, the Nimons don’t really have a clue what’s going on (must be that massive head impeding their vision) and Soldeed’s dreams of conquest are offed along with him.  The Anethans wear rather fetching yellow pyjamas and exchange such killer dialogue as:
“What are they doing?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you know?”
“I don’t know.”

Watch it because: It gives me the opportunity to share this masterpiece:

Original Air Date: 22 December 1979 – 12 January 1980.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Romana (Lalla Ward) & K9 Mk II (Voiced by David Brierley).
Writer: Anthony Read.
Director: Kenny McBain.
Producer: Graham Williams.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Nightmare of Eden

(Series 17, Episodes 13-16)

Summary: Two spaceships materialise on top of each other and the crews proceed to bicker about liability as though they’ve had a low speed collision reversing out of a space in a supermarket car park.  The Doctor and Romana attempt to mediate and salvage the situation but things are complicated by Professor Tryst, a scientist with a collection of alien slaves and a dodgy accent, and the fact that crew members and passengers keep getting mauled to death.  In the end, it all turns out to be about drug smuggling. Romana is pretty wet and the Mandrels are ridiculous Muppet rejects, but they do have lovely flares.

Watch it because: Despite its flaws, it’s an interesting morality tale about the drugs trade.

Original Air Date: 24 November – 15 December 1979.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Romana (Lalla Ward) & K9 Mk II (Voiced by David Brierley).
Writer: Bob Baker.
Director: Alan Bromly.
Producer: Graham Williams.