Sunday, 28 January 2018

The Robots of Death

(Series 14, Episodes 17-20)

Summary: What a box of treats!  Creepy blank face robots with red eye, fabulous outfits and eyeliner, and deliciously bitchy dialogue.  Although Leela fails the ‘don’t let him out of your sight’ test, she and the Doctor help solve a murder mystery inside a big drilling machine a la And Then There Were None, with a dash of robophobia and robophilia dolloped on top.

Watch it because: Weirdly lovable D84.

Original Air Date: 29 January – 19 February 1977.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Leela (Louise Jameson)
Writer: Chris Boucher.
Director: Michael E. Briant.
Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Face of Evil

(Series 14, Episodes 13-16)

Summary: The Doctor lands in a jungle and encounters the Sevateem, a tribe who make innovative use of space junk, show a lot of thigh and seem to think he’s the Evil One who has imprisoned their God Xoanon.  There’s a North by Northwest moment with Tom Baker’s giant face and a crazy computer is defeated by a meltdown.  As the dust settles, Leela forces her way into the Tardis and presses something she shouldn’t…

Watch it because: “They say the evil one eats babies!”

Original Air Date: 1 – 22 January 1977.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: Leela (Louise Jameson)
Writer: Chris Boucher.
Director: Pennant Roberts.
Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

The Deadly Assassin

(Series 14, Episodes 9-12)

Summary: The Doctor arrives on Gallifrey just in time to witness the assassination of the retiring President and find himself framed for the crime.  He enlists the support of two friendly officials to help him investigate, though I have to confess I didn’t really know what was going on for a long period in the middle which seemed to be channelling a movie about the Vietnam War.  Anyway, it turns out that old dastardly Master is behind it all.  (Personally, I preferred the goatee to the new crusty look.)

Watch it because: Further Gallifreyan mythology is revealed.

Original Air Date: 30 October – 20 November 1976.
Doctor: Tom Baker.
Companions: None, for the first time!
Writer: Robert Holmes.
Director: David Maloney.
Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe.