(Series 10,
Episodes 13-18)
Summary: Tell me, is that genuine Muppet
fur? Oh Tezza Nation, how we’ve missed
your wacky Dalek hi-jinks. Once again
the Doctor finds himself uniting with the Thals against the Daleks and once
again a Thal takes a liking to the Doctor’s companion. No snogging this time, though. The Daleks are trying to perfect invisibility
but after a molten ice volcano (nope, don’t know either) destroys their fleet they
are left shaking their fists (plungers?) at a departing TARDIS.
Watch it because: It’s a nice bit of continuity from the
show’s earliest days.
Original Air Date: 7 April – 12 May 1973.
Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
Companions: Jo Grant (Katy Manning).
Writer: Terry Nation.
Director: David Maloney.
Producer: Barry Letts.